Technical Communication KAS 301 or KAS 401 PDF Notes Download for Unit 2: Forms of Technical Communication B.Tech AKTU 2nd Year.
Technical communication is communication that conveys complex technical information in an easy-to-understand manner.
The word ‘Report’ is derived from the Latin ‘reportaire’ that means to bring back. A technical report is an official document that presents facts, their analysis and decisions, and recommendations derived on the basis of facts/data collected by an individual.

Unit 2: Forms of Technical Communication
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods; Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy, correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
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You can Download the Complete E-Book Also. This E-Book has all the 5 Units Notes with Easy, Simple, and Short Language. According to Latest AKTU Syllabus. Important Extra Definitions/Terms, Important Questions, and Previous Year Question Paper are also included.
We have also made a Video lecture on Unit 2: Forms of Technical Communication B.Tech AKTU of Technical Communication in the Hindi Language.