WhatsApp launches lots of features in 2023 and improve some of the 2022 features for better experience, Total 5 Features launches by WhatsApp, Trust me this all features improve your user experience, and You should definitely know. Currently it is in Beta stage but soon it will be available for all users. If you are not a Beta Tester so don’t worry about it Here the latest Beta version APK of WhatsApp.
1. Use Avatar as a DP

After FB & Instagram Meta has released the ability to set Avatar on WhatsApp as well. Now you can be able to set 3D Avatar on Profile pic in just following steps Go to setting > Avatar > Create profile pic and then you can design your avatar according to you like and set it.
2. Message Yourself

Earlier sending a message to yourself by using the URL “wa.me/91” helped in sending messages to yourself. But now WhatsApp has a new chat option “Me (You)”. This feature that will allows users to send messages to just Yourself. It is very useful feature for transfer files between your devices. This feature is also rolling out to some iOS Beta users too.
3. Hide Online Status

We all know that how to hide the last seen on WhatsApp but now you can also Hide your Online status in the chat window when using WhatsApp. Just follow these steps:
- Go to Setting
- Next Account > Privacy
- Now, click on the Last seen and online Privacy setting
- Select Nobody under the “who can see my last seen” to hide your last seen
- And select Same as last seen under the “who can see when I’m online”
After doing all of this no one will be able to you see the “Online” even you are active or texting somebody.
4. WhatsApp Payment to Any UPI

Recently WhatsApp launch WhatsApp Payment Services But the problem was that only the person could send or receive the money who had set up WhatsApp Payments. But now the scan and UPI option has come in WhatsApp, so that you can send and receive money from any UPI. Even if the person in front does not have an account on WhatsApp.
5. WhatsApp Call Link

The latest version of WhatsApp has “Create Call Link” feature. Anyone with a WhatsApp account will then be able to join the call using the link at any time, it easier to start and join conference calls.