Soft Skills 2 KNC 201 PDF Notes Download for Unit 3: Motivation Skills B.Tech AKTU First Year.
Motivation is the word derived from the word ‘motive’ which means needs, desires, wants, or drives within the individuals. It is the process of stimulating people to action to accomplish the goals.
Motivation is a mental state which allows someone to think positively as well as it pushes out to achieve all they desired.

Unit 3: Motivation Skills
- Motivation: Definition
- Sources of Motivation: Initiative; Willingness To Work; Eagerness to take on Work; Initiative; Learning Ability; Going Extra Miles; Learning And Analysis
- Motivating Others: Techniques; One To One Correspondence; Understanding; Individual Motivation; Mobilizing Optimal Performance; Praise and Compliment; Goal Setting for Individual Employee; Individual Cultivation of Skills; Facilitating Active Involvement; Trust in the Working Hands.
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