Soft Skills 2 KNC 201 PDF Notes Download for Unit 2: Conversational & Social Skills B.Tech AKTU First Year.
The conversation is interactive communication between two or more people. In which thoughts, feelings, and ideas are expressed, questions are asked and answered, or news and information is exchanged.

Unit 2: Conversational & Social Skills
- Definition of Conversation
- Speech and Conversation: Distinction
- Listening and Conversation
- Sustaining Interest
- Rules of Conversation
- Conversation and Personality
- Importance of Conversation
- Competence Relationships
- Social Skills: Role of Communication & Purposeful Socializing
- Attributes: Effective Communication; Conflict Resolution; Relationship Management; Respect.
- Improvement Techniques: Feedback; Goal Setting; Affording Resources; Adopting Interpersonal Skills; Importance.
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You can Download the Complete E-Book Also. This E-Book has all the 5 Units Notes with Easy, Simple, and Short Language. According to Latest AKTU Syllabus. Important Extra Definitions/Terms, Important Questions, and Previous Year Question Paper are also included.
We have also made a Video lecture on Unit 2: Conversational & Social Skills B.Tech AKTU of Soft Skills 2 in Hindi Language.
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