Emerging Technology For Engineering KMC 102 202 PDF Notes Download for Digital Manufacturing: 3D Printing and Drones B.Tech AKTU First Year.
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file.
The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using an additive process in which an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created.
3D printing is the opposite of subtractive manufacturing which is cutting out / hollowing out a piece of metal or plastic with for instance a milling machine.
3D printing enables you to produce complex shapes using less material than traditional manufacturing methods.
Drone is the common name for an unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). UAVs are vehicles that do not carry humans inside of them. They can be controlled by either a human or by a computer.
UAVs were originally used in the military to carry out tasks that were either too difficult or too dangerous for humans to perform. Some other military applications include drone surveillance and drone attacks.

Unit 4: Digital Manufacturing – 3D Printing & Drones
- The history and survey of 3D Printing
- Design Principles and Tools
- Emerging Trends & Use Cases in 3D Printing
- Introduction of Drones, Engineering Disciplines
- Multirotor Drone Assembly Course / Regulations and Procedures for becoming a Drone Pilot
You can Download the Complete E-Book Also. This E-Book has all the 5 Units Notes with Easy, Simple, and Short Language. According to Latest AKTU Syllabus. Important Extra Definitions/Terms, Important Questions, and Previous Year Question Paper are also included.
We have also made a Video lecture on Digital Manufacturing: 3D Printing & Drones B.Tech AKTU of Emerging Technology for Engineering in Hindi Language.